Large Balcony
@ That Magic Faraway Tree, Total Environment
Location : 8th floor, The Magic Faraway Tree - Total Environment, Kanakapura road
Year of Planting - May, 2017
Description :
The balcony opens up to the east and north.
1) Large Stone Pathway that functions as a yoga deck too. Stone in strips featuring dwarf clumps of grass make the transition to the built-in seating with golden bamboos and red gingers hovering beyond.
2) Ferns linger among a few small rocks, at the edge of the ripple pool, while dwarf palms set a lush green background.
3) A dry garden with a dragon tree and flowering succulents, is on the side that is open to the view of a hill dotted with plants and rocks, allowing the sun in the morning shine on in, uninterrupted.